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- Centro Cultural, Guardería y Espacio Púb | APT Arquitectos
11 22 Render5 11 1/14 CULTURAL CENTER, DAY CARE AND PUBLIC SPACE RIOTINTO MINES, HUELVA "Nature becomes a landscape when man frames it ." Le Corbusier. . The municipality was born thanks to the intense mining activity that it had in its day and that generated the irregular urban layout that it currently has. At the end of the 19th century, the first buildings were erected by the British consortium that dedicated itself to the exploitation and began to build some houses for the mine workers. Thus, three neighborhoods originated: El Valle, Alto de la Mesa and Bellavista. Between the three neighborhoods, intermediate spaces appeared that gave rise to a disorderly growth based on the clogging of said spaces, giving rise to the current municipality. Despite these discontinuities in the urban landscape, the municipality prospered and at present the different neighborhoods maintain a relationship and cohesion such that they allow the perfect functioning of the town. However, there is a piece that is out of tune in all this order. The Alto de la Mesa neighborhood is one of the original nuclei of the current urban area of Minas de Riotinto. However, the special orography on which it sits has been an inconvenience for its integration into the urban fabric. This problem, which was accused by the suppression of road traffic from the old highway from Minas de Riotinto to Nerva due to the detour of the A-476, has led to greater isolation of the neighborhood. The problem is also exacerbated by other social factors, linked to the massive abandonment of the building by the families that traditionally settled in the neighborhood, and their concern for many others in which circumstances of risk of social exclusion concur. In addition, the population does not have spaces for the exhibition of all the heritage that it has after centuries of mining, of great cultural importance due to the unusual depth of the excavations. . The intervention will be destined to be the first step in a network that is gradually consolidating itself as a tourist itinerary, made up of the Municipal Archive, the Mining Museum, the English Quarter of Bellavista, the train route and the view over the Corta de the Watchtower fundamentally and that nowadays they do not have an architectural space for reception, organization of visits, information, exhibition and staging of a cultural content with centuries of history. . Spaces such as conference rooms, function rooms and workshop classrooms would complement a program as a focus of attraction for tourism, which would also offer these spaces to be able to give training courses on mining, as well as a place for research, disclosure and exposure of everything related to this or other aspects. Complementing all of the aforementioned cultural and educational intervention, and with special attention to the neighboring neighborhood, aspects such as cultural instruction and training for all ages take on special importance when giving the project as a whole a complexity necessary for the development of the project. This is why a small nursery is proposed to help complete and perfect the intervention, as well as a public space to help integrate the building, since the current need for free spaces in the town is quite noticeable. . Walking through the interior of the building is experienced as a game of sensations in which the landscape changes as you travel, always remembering and valuing the landscape that is part of the culture of the town. . .
- Magnolio 20 | APT Arquitectos
1/0 VIVIENDA UNIFAMILIAR PUEBLA DE LA CALZADA, BADAJOZ “La arquitectura moderna no significa el uso de nuevos materiales, sino utilizar los materiales existentes de una forma más humana" , Alvar Aalto. Desde el punto de vista geológico, la localidad de Terradillos se asienta en una zona de pizarras, que forma parte del amplio pizarral complejo que se extiende desde el Sur de Salamanca, ocupando la parte centro meridional, formando dicho material parte de la historia del nacimiento de la población. Así pues, desde el respeto por el entorno y la tradición, nace la idea que dará forma a la siguiente vivienda, donde la adecuación con lo colindante y la accesibilidad cobran especial importancia en un reducido pero, por su materialidad y condiciones, atractivo solar. La organización de la edificación se desarrolla en una planta sobre rasante, optimizando la orientación solar del edificio y el hecho de que la mayoría de las dependencias tengan la máxima relación con el entorno exterior. Dicha edificación se complementa con un generoso patio de entrada que dotará de frescura y ventilación natural a la planta baja sobre rasante donde se desarrolla la totalidad del programa de la vivienda. Dada la casuística de la parcela, surge como condición impetuosa la recuperación del muro perimetral de pizarra, material histórico y originario de la localidad, que aportará un importante carácter autóctono al proyecto. Tras ello, la construcción se presenta retranqueada 5 metros respecto a la fachada principal, situando la edificación en el fondo de la parcela y dando lugar al generoso patio de entrada, al cual se accede a nivel sobre la rasante del viario. La edificación presenta fachada principal a un orientación sureste, por lo que se aboga por disponer en dicha fachada los espacios de uso diurno, así como el porche, y al noroeste las estancias de uso nocturno. En planta baja se desarrolla la totalidad del programa residencial, donde cocina, salón y comedor conviven en un único espacio con vistas y acceso directo al patio, así como al porche. Además, se disponen dos dormitorios y un baño, todos ellos con ventilación natural a través de huecos en fachada de pizarra, excepto el baño, con ventilación e iluminación cenitales. En el exterior de la planta, se propone una zona pavimentada a modo de porche cubierto, cobijo necesario para el disfrute de la actividad exterior del patio desde un lugar protegido. Desde el porche, se registra el resto del patio, descansando sobre un relleno de terreno natural ajardinado. Así pues, se proyecta un volúmen estéticamente puro y prismático que, aun pareciendo humilde en dimensiones, resulta obediente y respetuoso con el entorno y su materialidad, comprometiéndose con la tradición y la historia de la localidad. Construyamos juntos el espacio de tus sueños. ¡Contáctanos!
- Embalse Los Molinos 27 | APT Arquitectos
Imagen Parcela2 Situación-01-01 4 Imagen Parcela2 1/19 VIVIENDA UNIFAMILIAR LAS VAGUADAS , BADAJOZ “Cada nueva situación requiere una nueva arquitectura” , Jean Nouvel. La rápida expansión del nuevo sector territorial SUB-CC-5.2-1 en la zona de las Vaguadas, ciudad de Badajoz, ha dado lugar a la pronta aparición de nuevos barrios colmatados de viviendas unifamiliares y edificios plurifamiliares que, además del aporte de nuevas infraestructuras, darán riqueza al barrio e impulsarán socialmente al mismo. La organización de la edificación se desarrolla en una planta sobre rasante, optimizando la orientación solar del edificio y el hecho de que todas las dependencias tengan la máxima relación con el espacio ajardinado privativo. Dicha edificación se complementa con un generoso sótano que dotará de servicios a la planta baja sobre rasante donde se desarrolla la mayoría del programa de la vivienda. Dada la casuística de la parcela, la construcción se presenta retranqueada 3m respecto a todos los linderos, situando la edificación en el centro de la parcela, a la cual se accede a nivel sobre la rasante del viario. La edificación se dispone en forma de L generando fachadas generosas a sur para espacios de uso diurno, así como el porche, y al este para estancias de uso nocturno. La entrada principal a parcela y a vivienda, se conforma en la fachada Norte, mientras que la edificación se abre y muestra con más generosidad a la orientación Sur, coincidiendo con el generoso patio resultante del vacío que deja la construcción de la propia edificación. En planta baja se desarrolla la totalidad del programa residencial: vestíbulo, cocina, salón - comedor, dos baños y tres dormitorios dobles. En el exterior de la planta, se propone una zona pavimentada a modo de porche cubierto, que sirve de antesala antes del acceso al patio ajardinado con piscina, pudiéndose acceder a dicha zona pavimentada directamente desde salón y desde el dormitorio principal. Desde el porche, se registra el resto del amplio patio que alberga la piscina, descansando sobre un relleno de terreno natural que se pavimentará con microcemento. Por último, desde el vestíbulo, se dispone la escalera para bajada a planta sótano, la cual podría usarse sin necesidad de atravesar la vivienda, de ahí su colocación en vestíbulo. Aprovechando la geometría resultante del diseño de la estructura en planta baja, se genera un generoso sótano auxiliar que albergará una sala diáfana, además de un almacén, una bodega y un cuarto que albergará instalaciones tales como los sistemas de aerotermia o depuradora de la piscina. Dicho sótano, además, estará iluminado y ventilado naturalmente a través de un patio inglés que conectará visualmente las dos plantas desde la superficie. En definitiva, se proyectan unos volúmenes estéticamente puros y prismáticos, complementados en su perímetro con huecos tanto horizontales como verticales que aportan dinamismo al conjunto de la edificación, además de un generoso vuelo de hormigón en la zona de porche que genera un espacio de transición entre el interior de la vivienda y el patio. Construyamos juntos el espacio de tus sueños. ¡Contáctanos!
- Sevilla | APT Arquitectos
1 (15) 1 (14) 1 (19) 1 (15) 1/6 GUADALQUIVIR SEVILLE, 2014
- 3 Viviendas, Montoro, 2012 | APT Arquitectos
1 (9) 1 (24) 22 1 (9) 1/15 3 VPO HOUSES MONTORO, CORDOBA A small group of houses is projected in one of the existing free plots on the edge of the town with the void of the meander of the river, in the interior of the Andalusian municipality of Montoro. . A spongy complex is proposed where emptiness predominates over full and special attention is paid to the fit with the orography of the land and with the rest of the elements of the urban complex. Sensitivity to the environment and its knowledge does not entail mimesis with the traditional forms of construction of existing houses or with the dimensions of their areas. The program consists of three houses for a couple with a child, so that there is a common area for all three that allows a transition between the public spaces outside the plot and the interiors of each house. Therefore, a contemporary way of living is proposed in the municipality of Montoro without having to resort directly to the image or traditional way of construction of the already known architectural models, which is why the dispensable “comforts” are detected and essentials found in current housing standards and which ones need to be incorporated. The work is based on the section of the complex, where the relationship with the access street and the lower one becomes important, for which a solution with a stone wall as a plinth, which houses vegetation, is proposed as a starting point. . After an analysis of the outdoor spaces incorporated into each home, it is ensured that many of the basic functions are developed in those attached free spaces. The views from the resulting volume towards the river and the landscape are considered a starting point of the project, essential in the resolution of its interior spaces, these intangible elements being the most important factors in the soul of the project. . Taking into account the situation of the plot, the existing orography as well as the adjoining dividing walls take on special importance, facts to take into account when planning the new home. The image of the new façade that will be projected onto the landscape, as well as the permeability between the upper and lower streets, also becomes relevant. . The adaptation with the different heights of the plot is solved thanks to the implementation of two duplex-type volumes that connect the two streets that delimit the plot and that house interior spaces that are projected for common use by the users. The introduction of a third piece gives a sense of the whole that allows the project to be read as a single volume and not a succession of pieces. The upper element, in addition to providing an alternative type of housing to the complex, allows generating an entrance space necessary for the accessibility of the project. The views, the light and the social possibilities of strengthening neighboring relationships with other users favor the creation of common spaces that give the intervention an alternative to the current common social housing and proposes a new concept that encourages habitability among users of the same living place.
- Nueva Sede FCB | APT Arquitectos
4 3 Render FCB2 4 1/17 3rd PRIZE (COLLABORATION UTE JORGE LÓPEZ - JOSÉ MANUEL BARRAGÁN) - NEW SOCIAL HEADQUARTERS AND CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ACTION CENTER CAJA BADAJOZ FOUNDATION OLD TOWN, BADAJOZ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PERFORMANCE . The area of action, in which this proposal is developed, is made up of the remains of residential and commercial buildings from the mid-16th century, and a large vacant lot as a result of the demolitions carried out in the area at the end of the 16th century. XX. . In its surroundings, residential structures of the same type alternate with others of a monumental nature and public use, (Church of Santa María, House of Luis de Morales, Old Town Hall, Arco del Peso,… .. etc.) All these buildings are articulated in an urban space made up of large voids (Alta, San José and Luis de Morales squares). From the point of view of the structuring of urban space, this proposal aims to interrelate, through the internal route of its most public uses, Exhibition Rooms, Access and Cafeteria, the public spaces in the area of the Plaza de San José -Puerta del Capitel with the Plaza de Luis de Morales. . The volume of the new building will integrate the remains of the old buildings, showing themselves as musselled pieces. The new structure is conceived as a diaphanous space, which by means of glass enclosures, except those of the assembly hall, opens generously to its Southwest and Southeast facades. Given the criticality of these orientations in relation to solar capture, they will be protected by a fixed lattice, consisting of a shading curtain wall made of ceramic material and an automated awning system. . The element described above will determine the appearance of the building and its insertion in the surrounding urban environment, it is intended to evoke and reinterpret the language of the constitutive architectures of the Christian city, in its transition from the Late Middle Ages to Renaissance Modernity, where The fusion of the state architecture of the last Trastamara-Reyes Católicos with the Mudejarism typical of the local workforce, produced a syncretism of which we have received brilliant vestiges in the public buildings of the Plaza Alta and in which the dynamism is manifested cultural culture of Castilian society, at the end of the Dynastic and Granada Wars, with broad reflection throughout the kingdom, producing epiphenomena in places as far from the centers of power as the city of Badajoz could be. BUILDING DESCRIPTION . LEVEL 2 Developed below ground level, this level will be perforated by a patio, traced under the sloping bleachers of the assembly hall, allowing natural lighting of the Bibliographic Consultation Room located on this floor, next to the storage and archive spaces. Given the difficult access to the plot and the proximity of the Sta. María car park, as well as the need to take advantage of the entire built-up area, to satisfy the program, the use of this floor as a parking space is obviated. . LEVEL 1 The next floor is projected onto the Plaza de Luis de Morales, through a wide open and covered space, like a porch, which leads to the access control hall to the building, which filters the entrance to the Assembly Hall- Planetary. This use is the one with the greatest influx of public, so on this level, an additional group of toilets are projected, as well as the cafeteria that, with its own small warehouse, integrates the remains of the old cellar of the houses located on it. . As for the auditorium-planetarium, a spatial arrangement has been chosen that integrates both functions in a single room. Its arrangement between level -1 and level ± 0, allows its use as an audiovisual space linked to the exhibition halls. . LEVEL ± 0 This level integrates the remains of the houses, which are intended to be preserved, rebuilding them according to the documentation that is had. This reconstructed part, together with the rest of the floor, will constitute an exhibition area, interrelated with the lower level. The resulting large space is subdivided into four independent rooms, of which the one located on the stage of the assembly hall, due to its geometry and location, seems to us the most suitable to house the fixed structure of the image workshops. . LEVEL +1 This level is reserved to house the administrative and management spaces of the foundation and its attached bodies. Due to the representativeness of its location, we will arrange the management and management offices, as well as their administrative support in the area conserved on the upper floor of the old houses, making it possible to read them as representative spaces. In this area, the inclusion of a patio allows natural lighting for both the administrative area and the Boardroom (C1). Separated by translucent partitions, the room destined to house the Foundation's Social Action area will also be located in this area. The rest of the work spaces will be located in the large room that is projected on the Plaza de Luis de Morales, allowing its redistribution through mobile partitions, according to the needs of the moment. The work area of the magazine La Galera is located in a separate room. . LEVEL +2 DECK The communications and toilets core extends to the roof level, incorporating a small office, which, supported by the service elevator, will facilitate the use of the terrace for holding events. The rear part of the terrace will be used for installations, whose view from the outside will be avoided by forming a sloping ceramic tile roof, recovering the idea of the traditional bends of Extremadura housing.